Sunday, September 22, 2019

Creeping Around an Old, Abandoned Dairy Farm

Anyone who knows me can tell you I love creeping about abandoned and haunted places. Having my own business, Ace of Wands Photography, has allowed me a little more time to indulge myself in this rather dicey past-time. As a matter of fact, I have another blog in the works called the Paranormal Inquiry and have just started a YouTube channel by the same name. I will post the video at the bottom of this blog for you to enjoy. I only have one video at this time but there will be more to come. My goal is to put up a video every other week.

Ok, back to the topic at hand. First of all, much to my regret, I cannot give the location of this site. I promised the owner I wouldn't because she already has problems with vandalism. Very sad. Most likely, when she does end up selling the property, all of this will get torn down. Again, sad. I really loved this place and its history.

As I poked about, I just got a feel of old-fashioned people and old fashioned ways. A lot of hard work went on here. One could almost feel the bustling and busyness of hard working people and cows plodding about. Simpler times permeated every nook and cranny.

Walking around the outside of the buildings,
all I could hear was the crunch of dry grass and weeds as grasshoppers clicked through the air, jumping to get out of my way. It was a hot summer day.

When I entered the airy barn, I noticed a nice change of temperature. The musty smell of livestock still lingers after all these years. I really could have meandered about here all day but a thing called time cut my visit short. I really felt privileged to be able to photograph   this bit of history -- perhaps for the last time.

                          Enjoy the video. Please like and subscibe so I can produce more! Oh, and don't forget to subcribe to this blog (at the bottom of blog) so you can be notified when a new one is posted!

Take Care!
Ace of Wands Photography

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Ruins Of Past Days

I've been spending some time up in the Rocky Mountains lately. Tramping through the woods and coming across ruins of old 1800s miners cabins scattered across the mountainside was a real find.
On a hillside, we came across an old cellar that was crumbling and once inside, you can look up and see all sky. I just wonder... who lived here and what was their life like? What kind of dreams and aspirations did they have for themselves and their families? The search for gold wasn't always out of greed, but to make a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

This particular area of these mountains (about 9,000 to 10,000 feet) has such a varied terrain, from pine forests to rolling plains, all within a few miles of each other. Verdant valleys to dry plains and ever-changing weather added great challenges to these people of the mid to late 1800s.

Places like this only raise a lot of questions for me. I just sit at these sites for a bit and wonder.
There were no conveniences, just a lot of hard work and faith.  Survival was their daily occupation in these mountains. It amazes me the ingenuity of these folks. They did so much with so little. Could we live as they did if we ever had to?

Below is just a short clip of an old ghost town, just a few miles away from the old cellar. Enjoy!

Take care!
Ace of Wands Photography

It's Never Just A Chair

I love to photograph chairs. An empty chair speaks volumes about the past and about potential. People sit in chairs. The more people, the ...